So said Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV) in an impassioned argument for a public option in the senate finance committee healthcare bill on 9/29/2009. The reality is that Sen.’s Rockefeller and Schumer, and the other Democrats so impassioned about providing Americans with "choice and competition", are lying.
Where is this love of "choice and competition" in education? Both are staunchly against vouchers or providing any choice to Americans in where their kids can go to school. Where is their love of choice when it comes to Social Security? They are both on the record as opposing giving workers a choice in how to invest the wages that are forcibly withheld from their paychecks. Nope, Schumer and Rockefeller are lying.
They demand that a captive public be forced to use government run solutions for education and social security that deliver abysmal results at outrageous costs. Their plan is the same for healthcare. The last thing they want is consumer choice. They are desperate to find a way to hold Americans hostage to a government run healthcare system.